My girl Rebekah shot my wedding (at the last minute, I might add, thanks to my husband's complete lack of planning) on New Years almost 3 years ago. You know how there are girl's girls and then there are girls who act like girl's girls but are really just kinda self-involved snots? (Guys, you know what I'm talking about here, right?) Rebekah is an ego-less crazy-talented girl's girl who has become an inspiring friend. She's a momma and a wife and a preggo and a professional photographer all at the same time right now. I know. It made me tired just typing it.
Anywho, she's a blogger, too, and interviewed ME this week for her blog. I'll admit, I totally considered getting an agent or some form of representation for a minute, but once my head shrunk back down to size I just answered the questions honestly. Thanks for making me feel so special, Rebekah!
Check out her weekly LLPs (Life's Little Pleasures) as well as her unmatched photography. Oh, and read the interview.
such a beautiful bedroom. nice job you guys